Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Fat Wednesday...

I decided to go ahead and call today Fat Wednesday... I know I's actually Fat Tuesday and Ash Wednesday, but since I forgot about Fat Tuesday I'm going with Fat Wednesday. (it also perfectly describes how I'm feeling after feasting on Aunty L's Chicken-Pot-Pie delightfully/sinful! (which is good to eat on Ash/Fat Tues/Wed. as that is when we can confess our sins and then burn them)

I'm sitting here, on the old lap top that needs to be plugged in at all times (battery exploded) as my Robbie sits 5.6 inches away from me, using the new lap top that does not need to be plugged in.

Why are we both still up on these silly computers? Heaven only knows..

For me, I think we are both coming down off the "butt carnival" scare and all that it entailed- not knowing something is far worse than just knowing from the get go.
But one thing is for certain... we will both go to bed tonight, once again, thanking God for this near miss.. wait... is that the right term? Oh well.. doesn't matter.

For those of you dealing with a family or personal medical or non-medical tragedy right now, please know that you are being thought of... even if I don't know who you are.

Sleep well...
Peace out-


p.s. so happy I have 51 years of my 56 left with my yin...

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