Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Get out of my butt...

The colonoscopy went pretty well... well, in that there is no cancer and no polyps. YAY!  I was stressing a bit.  So now I have some peace of mind...

However, when they sedate you for this romantic little get away you don't remember anything.  So, at some point during the procedure I started to become a bit unruly and told the highly trained medical staff to "get out of my butt".   At which time they sedated me further...

Now this info is all second hand from Mary.  The nurse didn't really go into detail about what I said, but knowing me and my free flowing tongue when inebriated... I would venture to guess that my request was not quite so polite and most likely littered with expletives.

Like I said; I have no recollection of this at all.  In fact I remember watching the nurse put the sedative in my IV and then stumbling into the house several hours later...

Thankfully my lovely wife had the where with all to take a quick snapshot of me just after my date.
Lucky for you I cropped the photo... I may not be shy, but come on this is a family website!!

I don't think I need to say anything further... I'll just let you digest the visual feast I have laid before you.


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